Monday, December 2, 2019

My Little Brother and Sister free essay sample

You never really know what your life is going to be like until it is happening. That has been true for me ever since I was little. I was an only child for seven years, and then my little brother came along. Three years after George was born, my sister was born; I was ten years old then. There is quite an age gap between my siblings and I which is tremendous and bad at the same time. Having this age gap I seem more like an aunt or mother figure some of the time. Being much older it is hard to relate with my brother and sister. Since I was thirteen, I have been babysitting my brother and sister for my parents. I love to babysit, but it is a little bit harder when you’re a family member to the kids you watch. My brother would refuse to do anything I asked him to and say â€Å"You’re not the boss of me!† I love my brother and sister dearly, but this always got on my nerves. We will write a custom essay sample on My Little Brother and Sister or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It would result in a fight, which I was too old to be in. It would make me so frustrated that he would not listen. Over the years, as I matured these issues started to disappear. I found myself to be yelling much less and having more authority by other means than yelling, and having patience. We found out that George has Auditory processing disorder, ADD, dyslexia, and that he was color blind. No wonder he was so frustrated. George has taught me patience and authority, two things that are needed, especially when working with children. Gigi is so cute, but extremely dramatic. Her wails could be heard though out the entire house and hurt the ears of anyone who did not cover them in time. He drama has not decreased very much as she has been growing older, but shows itself in different ways. She has a vocabulary that is well beyond a six year old. It is hilarious when you hear a phrase like â€Å"you are being obnoxious,† or â€Å"I would like to propose a toast,† coming out of her mouth. Her tantrums and crying have not stopped, but they have gotten better. Gigi has taught me patience, and tough love, because when she is throwing a fit, that is what I have to show. I love my brother and sister dearly, even though they frustrate me, and annoy me at times. They are good kids, and they are not perfect, but who is? George is doing very well in school even with all his complications, and Gigi is the social butterfly of her grade. I cannot wait to see them mature into who they were made to be.

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