Thursday, February 20, 2020

Occupational Health And Safety Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Occupational Health And Safety - Coursework Example In the UK, a road tanker overflowed when the capacity of its tank exceeded. During the reloading process, a shut-off valve failed. The incident occurred at the West Thurrock terminal. Later on, when the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigated the incident, it was found that the valve was blocked by debris and for this reason it was not closing. The subsequent result was that a large amount of petrol leaked from the tanker and formed a pool below and around the tanker. Since petrol is highly inflammable, this incident had a major risk factor for both the terminal workers and the tanker drivers. Vopak London Terminal BV Limited who was the terminal operator failed to manage the health and safety measures. The operator was fined  £50,000 I feel the risk was not properly calculated and proper steps were not taken to avoid the risk. As the valve failed to close, it had the potential risk which was not properly managed. The resultant spillage had the possibility to take the lives of all the people in the vicinity that included terminal workers and tanker drivers. What I feel is that Vopak London Terminal BV Limited could not fulfill its responsibilities towards the health and safety of its workers. It did not take adequate steps to thwart the incident, and even during the spillage it could not control the heavy amount of petrol that formed a pool. To create a safe and healthy working environment, I feel it is necessary for terminal operators to recognize any potential factors that can cause injury to workers.

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